Chinese people are supposed to be good at ping pong. This Chinese person is good at making things with ping pong balls. Exhibit A: Ping pong eyeballs. I know this is not a new idea, but I found a novel way to make them thanks to Craft Attitude printable film. Craft Attitude lets you apply any image to practically any surface, so I was able to decorate the ping pong balls with an image of an iris. Because I am such a giving person who gives, gives, gives, I drew the iris on Photoshop and have made it available as a free download so you can print your own eyeballs.
Click here for eyeball printable

The eyeballs look cool displayed in an apothecary jar. They are also magic eyeballs, so if you use the iris image I drew, I will be watching you. Oh yes, I see you now. Bwahaha!
Note: I am a designer/spokesperson for Craft Attitude, and links on this post and elsewhere are affiliate links. But you can see how cool a product it is, and how I would use it anyway.
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