Maybe it’s because of my advertising background, but I love fonts. I will drive by a restaurant, see the sign, and think to myself, “Oh, they’re using Scriptina.” I love Helvetica. Futura. Rockwell. But especially Helvetica. So recently I decorated my shoes with some of my favorite typefaces using Kodak Shoe Art Film aka Shoe Attitude. They are so graphic. And for the first time, I decorated the rubber toecaps, which was really easy because the shoe art film stretches around the rubber and conforms to the shape. With all the words on these shoes, you could say that they “converse.” Ooh, bad pun.

Watch the video of how I decorate shoes with Kodak Shoe Art Film.
Soooo cool! Great instructional (FUN!!!) vid. Hmmm, I wonder if I can customize my high heels .. guess there is one way to find out. p.s. I luv the pink craft knife (I have my pink hammer).