My kitchen used to be all-white. It was very sterile-looking. I wanted to do something to it, but wasn’t sure what to do until one day I was at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and all the Andy Warhol posters were 40% off because it was the last day of the exhibit. Suddenly, it came to me. I would decoupage all the kitchen cabinets in Andy Warhol posters. I had never decoupaged, and I didn’t know if the posters would fit, but I bought all the posters in the store in total faith. I went home, measured the cabinets, and matched the posters to the appropriately-sized cabinet doors. Then I had to figure out how to decoupage. I e-mailed the nation’s best decoupage artist, Durwin Rice, author of New Decoupage, and he actually e-mailed me back and told me how to do it. This kitchen has gotten more than its 15 minutes of fame, getting coverage in newspapers, magazines and websites around the world, but it’s funny how it brought out the haters on internet comment boards. It’s like I slapped people’s children, some people were so offended by it. They actually said I would regret this. (What, are they coming for me with pitchforks?) Hey, it got their attention.

warhol kitchen